01/ An Stevel Nowydh
02/ Anima
03/ Tresor
04/ N.Y.C.A.W.
05/ Men an Toll
06/ Ardamm
07/ Kan Me
08/ Keltek
09/ Tonnow
10/ Porth Ia
Le Kov
01/ Hi A Skoellyas Liv A Dhagrow
02/ Tir Ha Mor
03/ Herdhya
04/ Eus Keus?
05/ Jynn-amontya
06/ Den Heb Taves
07/ Daromres Y'n Howl
08/ Aremorika
09/ Hunros
10/ Koweth Ker
Y Dydd Olaf
01/ Chwyldro
02 / Patriarchaeth
03/ Calon Peiriant
04/ Sisial Y Môr
05/ Dawns Y Blaned Dirion
06/ Golau Arall
07/ Stwff
08/ Y Dydd Olaf
09/ Fratolish Hiang Perpeshki
10/ Amser
01/ An Stevel Nowydh
02/ Anima
03/ Tresor
04/ N.Y.C.A.W.
05/ Men an Toll
06/ Ardamm
07/ Kan Me
08/ Keltek
09/ Tonnow
10/ Porth Ia
An Stevel Nowydh
Dynargh dhis, esedh yn-nans
- a eus hwans dhis a nafas?
Fatel a-genes?
Daras igerys
Skeus howl an gwav war leur lowarth
Awel dre'n fenestr
Ha mi, ha mi, ha mi, ha mi,
war ben ow honan.
A yw'r gwacter ystyr yn rhan anochel o fod yn fyw?
Welcome, sit down
- fancy a cuppa?
How are you?
The door is open
and the shadow of the afternoon hits the garden floor
a breeze through the window
and I'm here, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here,
All alone.
Is the total lack of meaning an inevitable part of being?
Holya margh du
Bys yn inyaldir
Alghwedh owr
Krogen war dreth
Dywes po Eva
Ow sevel a'th rag
Anima, anima, anima...
Pel Gwener
Peulvan a dan
Tregh Benen
Palas dre dhor
Bys yn amal kleger
Gwel an mor evan
Anima, anima, anima...
Duw bow
Duw yeth
Duw gorv
Chasing a black horse into the desert
A golden key
A shell on a beach
Is it a Goddess or
stood in front of you?
Anima, Anima, Anima...
The sphere of Venus
Ball of fire
A woman's torso
Digging through the Earth
Into the edge of a cliff
A view of the wide open sea
Anima, Anima, Anima...
Two languages
Two countries
Two bodies
A eus hwans dhis a gurun war dha ben
ha benen rub dha dhyw droes?
A eus hwans dhym a lenwel stevel
gans ow nell hag omglywes meth?
Res kodha yn nans
Rag sevel arta, seval arta
Tava, tewi tan
Kesvywa glan
Mantoel bywnans, bewa marow
Kehaval ha garrow
Esya vyth dhym pub tro
Kepar ha men ow trehevel foes
Res kodha yn nans
Rag sevel arta, seval arta
Tava, tewi tan
Kesvywa glan
Do you want a crown upon your head
and a woman at your feet?
Do I want to fill a room
with all of my will and feel ashamed?
You've got to fall
To rise again, rise again
Extinguishing a flame
A Treasure
The scales of life, to live and to die
Are both equal and rough
It gets easier every time
Like rocks building a wall
You've got to fall
To rise again, rise again
Extinguishing a flame
A Treasure
Unigolion oll
Ga i eich sylw os gwelwch yn dda?
Chi yn y blaen, chi yn y cefn
Chi ar y chwith, chi ar y dde
A chwi oll yn y canol
Beth yw ein polisi ar gyfer pleser?
Gawn ni derfyn ar drafod ein holl ddiffygion
A chymryd mantais ar y cyfle i gofleidio ein cyd-ddyn?
Nid yw Cymru ar werth, nid yw Cymru ar werth, nid yw Cymru ar werth x2
Penderfyniadau pwyllgorau pwyllog
Sy'n atgyfnerthu goruchafiaeth ffiadd y farchnad
Sy'n rhydd i neud be a fyno
Brandi a coke i fynd gyda dy frand di?
Fi 'di blino ar fod yn flin
Â'r unigolyddiaeth di-chwaeth
Sy'n creu problem mas o'r gwahaniaeth
Y gwahaniaeth gogoneddus sydd i'w ddathlu ym mhob man
Yr haenau'n cynyddu wrth i ni fynd yn ein blaenau
A'r oll y'n ni gyd eisiau gwbod yn sicr
Yr unig beth sy'n bwysig
Yw cariad
Nid yw Cymru ar werth, nid yw Cymru ar werth, nid yw Cymru ar werth x2
Individuals all
Can I have your attention please?
You at the front, you at the back
You on the left, you on the right
All of you in the middle
What is our policy regarding pleasure?
Can we stop all of these discussion about our failings?
And take advantage of being able to embrace one another?
Wales is not for sale, Wales is not for sale, Wales is not for sale x2
The decisions made by cautious committees
Reinforces the dominance of the vulgar market
Which is free to do what it wants
A brandy and coke to go with your branding?
I'm fed up of feeling angry
And the indecorous individualism
Which creates a problem out of the difference
The glorious difference to be celebrated everywhere
The layers increase as we keep moving on
And the only thing we really want to know
The only thing that matters
Is love
Wales is not for sale, Wales is not for sale, Wales is not for sale x2
Men an toll
Y'th yw diblans
Del om vy dialoes
Rag dyank
Rag hema.
It's completely obvious
That I'm incapable
Of escaping
From this.
Pes eur vynta gortos?
Pes byldhen?
A vyth kansvlydhen arall?
Peur vynta dos?
Peur vynta ow hlywes?
Pes eur bys vynta ow honvedhes?
Ple ma dha famyeth?
Ple ma dha fam?
Dha yeth ji
Ti a byw hema
Ti a gyv y dhevnydhia
Ha ti oma war an norvys
A eus bysvyken?
Otta ni ow kewsel ha kesoberi
Ha kara an uyl y-gyula
Ow karma ha tonsya hag oela ha garma
Ha tonsya hag oela garma ha bywa
A yw an le ma gwir?
Mes a yw an le ma gwir?
Mars eus pub onan ow kosga
Mar nag eus nagonan oma?
A yw an le ma gwir?
Ple ma dha famyeth?
Ple ma dha fam?
Dha yeth ji
Ti a byw hema
Ti a gyv y dhevnydhia
Ha ti oma war an norvys
A eus bysvyken?
How many hours will you wait?
How many years?
Will there be another century?
When will you come?
When will you hear me?
How many hours until you understand me?
Where is your mother tongue?
Where is your mother?
Your language
You own this
You can use this
As long as you walk this earth
Is there a forever?
Here we are talking and coworking
Loving one another
Shouting dancing crying shouting
Dancing crying shouting living
Is this place real?
But is this place real?
If everyone's asleep?
If there's no-one here?
Is this place real?
Where is your mother tongue?
Where is your mother?
Your language
You own this
You can use this
As long as you walk this earth
Is there a forever?
Kan Me
Ottoma an spern gwyn
Rag dynerghi an howlwyn
Diweth an gwav gweinton brav
Diweth an gwav gweinton brav
Daleth an hav, daleth an hav
Kan me kana, kan me kana
Kan me kana, daleth an hav
Kan me kana, kan me kana
Kan me kana, daleth an hav
Here is the hawthorn
To welcome the sunshine
Winter's end and the pleasant spring
Winter's end and the pleasant spring
The beginning of the summer, the beginning of the summer
May song sing, May song sing
May song sing, the beginning of the summer
May song sing, May song sing
May song sing, the beginning of the summer
Yn-dan an tonnow
Yma hwansow gwyls
Yn-dan an tonnow, yn-dan an tonnow
Yn-dan an tonnow
Yma bewnans nowydh
Yn-dan an tonnow, yn-dan an tonnow
Yn-dan an tonnow
Yma hwansow gwyls
Yn-dan an tonnow, yn-dan an tonnow
Yn-dan an tonnow
Yma spyrys rydhsys
Yn-dan an tonnow, yn-dan an tonnow
Dys yn-nans genev vy
Yn-dan an dowr
Dys dhy weles pandra sy
Yn-dan an tonnow, yn-dan an tonnow
Under the waves
There is a wild desire
Under the waves, under the waves.
Under the waves
Lives the spirit of freedom
Under the waves, under the waves.
Under the waves
There is a new life
Under the waves, under the waves.
Come down with me beneath the water
Come and see what there is
Under the waves, under the waves.
Porth Ia
Y'th yw res dhym avowa
Boes oela tra hweg dhi wuyl
Myttin Lun
Prederi dres hansel
Yn kever an ran dha sy dhym
Mi a wel an meth y'th enev
Ow tos yn-mes dre dhy dhyw lyv
Mis Genver re drelyes dhy Hwevrel
A yler dyank rag an lettow?
Digelmi dalghen tynn
an blydheniow?
Yma hwans dhym dhis godhvos
Pan wre ta dos
My a vyth oma.
I must admit
That it's a lovely thing
To cry
On a Monday morning.
Pondering about my good fortune
Over breakfast
I see the shame in your soul
Coming out through your hands.
January turned to February
Is it possible to escape the restrictions?
To untie the tight grip
Of the passing years?
I want you to know
That when you arrive
I will be here.
Le Kov
01/ Hi A Skoellyas Liv A Dhagrow
02/ Tir Ha Mor
03/ Herdhya
04/ Eus Keus?
05/ Jynn-amontya
06/ Den Heb Taves
07/ Daromres Y'n Howl
08/ Aremorika
09/ Hunros
10/ Koweth Ker
Hi A Skoellyas Liv A Dhagrow
Hi a skoellyas lyf a dhagrow
Yma hi yn hy le usadow
A eus le rag hwedhlow dyffrans
A eus le rag hwedhlow koth
Hwedhel an re na wrug gwaynya
Agan hwedhel ni oll
Hi a skoellyas lyf a dhagrow
Yma hi yn hy le usadow
Nyns eus genes spas rag oela
Ke yn-rag pan vydhta gwann
Deus yn-es ro dhymm dha dhorn
Dha wolow jy yw splann
Hi a skoellyas lyf a dhagrow
Yma hi yn hy le usadow
She shed a flood of tears
She resides in her usual place
Is there room for different stories
Is there room for ancient stories
The story of the ones who didn’t win
The story of us all
She shed a flood of tears
She resides in her usual place
You haven’t got a chance to cry
Go ahead when you feel weak
Come easy and give me your hand
Your light is bright
She shed a flood of tears
She resides in her usual place
Tir Ha Mor
The Rider of the Winds is dancing
Across the sunrise
Land and sea, land and sea
The Rider of the Winds is flying
Across the vast sunset
Land and sea, land and sea
The Rider of the Winds is dancing
Over the wide water
Land and sea, land and sea
Marghek an Gwyns ow tonsya
War an howldrevel
Tir ha mor, tir ha mor
Marghek an Gwyns ow nija
War an howlsedhes efan
Tir ha mor, tir ha mor
Marghek an Gwyns ow tonsya
Dres an dowr efan
Tir ha mor, tir ha mor
Kerrek fell, tonnow gwyls
An ebren loes
Ha my ow sevel war an amal
Ow mires dres an mor
Herdhya yn-tro yn skonna es skon
Yn stegys war ynys, yma own warnav
Yn pell yn –dann an dowr
Ottoma ple ma’n sita dhyn ni oll
Na fors piw osta, dhia bell ‘wrusta dos
Sita byghan yw homma ha dha sita jy yw dhe vos
Cruel rocks, wild waves
The grey sky
And I’m standing on the edge
Looking out over the sea
Pushing back faster and faster
Stuck on an island, I’m scared
Far down under the water
Here lies the city for us all
It doesn’t matter who you are or if you’ve come from afar
It’s a small city but it is your city
Eus Keus?
Tus Aberfala, Heyl a Hellys
Tus Lostwydhyel, Lulynn, Lyskerrys
Tus Porthleven, Pensans, Porth Enys
Tus Loch, Bosvena - Un govyn sy yn-hesys
Eus keus?
Eus po nag eus?
Mars eus keus, dro keus
A po nag eus keus – dro’n pyth eus!
Tus Lanvowsedh ha Lannwedhenek
Tus Porthperan Tys Eglosvelyan
Pennmeyn, Porthkernow
Porthpyra, Porthysek, Lannstefan ha Breanek
-Un govyn sy yn-hesys
Eus keus?
Eus po nag eus?
Mars eus keus, dro keus
A po nag eus keus – dro’n pyth eus!
Essa , Sen Senan, Sen Ostell, An Ros
Tus Porthlustri, Kelliwik ha Kammbronn
Tus Delyow Boll, Porth Ia ha Menyon
Tus Eglossenor, Penrynn ha Resrudh
Tus Porth, Lannaled – un govynn sy yn-hesys
Eus keus?
Eus po nag eus?
Mars eus keus, dro keus
A po nag eus keus – dro’n pyth eus!
People of Falmouth, Hale and Helston
People of Lostithiel, Newlynn and Liskeard
People of Porthleven, Penzance, Mousehole
People of Looe and Bodmin – there’s one question left to ask
Is there cheese?
Is there or isn’t there?
If there’s cheese, bring cheese
And if there isn’t cheese – bring what’s easy!
People of St. Mawes and Padstow
People of Perranporth, people of St. Buryan
Rock, Porthcurno, Polperro, Port Issac
Launceston and St. Agnes – there’s one question left to ask
Is there cheese?
Is there or isn’t there?
If there’s cheese, bring cheese
And if there isn’t cheese – bring what’s easy!
Saltash, Sennen, St. Austell, Roseland
People of Newquay, Callington, Camborne
People of Delabole, St. Ives, Minions
People of Zennor, Penryn and Redruth,
People of Par, St. Germans – there’s one question left to ask
Is there cheese?
Is there or isn’t there?
If there’s cheese, bring cheese
And if there isn’t cheese – bring what’s easy!
Ro gweres gans pup tra
Ty woer pyth yw ‘vas
Gweder-mires, lavar dhymm
Pyw ha byow an norvys?
Karensa dredanek
Pandra yw an ollvys?
Jynn-amontya, jynn-amontya
Ple fyth ow diwedh vy?
Ple fyth dha dhaleth jy?
Ple fyth ow diwedh vy?
Ple fyth dha dhaleth jy?
Ro gweres gans pup tra
Ty woer pyth yw ‘vas
Assist me with everything
You know what is valid
Mirror, tell me
Who owns the earth?
Electrifying love
What is the universe?
Computer, computer
Where do I end?
Where do you begin?
Where do I end?
Where do you begin?
Assist me with everything
You know what is valid
Den Heb Taves
Ow rydhsus, ow rydhsus yw rewys
Devnydhoryon, devnydhoryon freudhek
Den heb taves,
Den heb taves re gollas
Ow dywlyv, ow dywlyv mostes
Helghiorion, helghiorion hunlev
My freedom, my freedom is frozen
Consumers, consumers are violent
A toungless man,
A toungless man has lost
My hands, my hands are filthy
Hunters, hunters of dreams
Daromres Y'n Howl
Daromres dre'n pow
Daromres Dy Yow
Daromres heb towl
Daromres yw flows
Daromres re dhown
Daromres heb own
Daromres dre'n vro
Daromres y'nn howl
Jam jam goddiweddid
Mêl mêl melyn melyn
Ymwelwyr mewn car
Ymwelwyr yn sâl
Daromres re dhown
Daromres heb own
Daromres dre'n vro
Daromres y'nn howl
Traffic throughout the land
Traffic on a Thursday
Traffic without purpose
Traffic is nonsense
Traffic too deep
Traffic lacking any fear
Traffic throughout the countryside
Traffic in the Sun
Jam jam overtaking
Honey honey yellow yellow
Visitors in a car
Visitors being sick
Traffic too deep
Traffic lacking any fear
Traffic throughout the countryside
Traffic in the Sun
Kellys ‘veu an keskolm, an keskolm down
Gwari mir wrug koska dre an nos
Leskys ‘veu’n lyvrow, an lyvrow oll
Ha deges, ha deges ‘veu an daras
The bond has been lost, that deep bond
The Great Drama has slept through the night
The books have been burned, all of them
And the door has been closed
Kosk yn town
Ha kosk heb own
Deus yn nes dhymm
Yn es
Sleep deeply
And sleep without fear
Come closer to me
Koweth Ker
Koweth ker, dhe dhen klav
Trist yw pub tra
Kyn fe’n hav
Kyn a pub tra’n nos
Ny ellough hwi yndellna mos
Mars ys termyn, mars ys spas
Y via brav dha weles
Koweth ker, dre’n kynyav
Koska a wra pub tra
Pan vo tewl
Res dhis perthi kov
Dell dheu an bywnans oll yn-tro
Dearest friend, to a sick man
Everything is sad
Although it’s summer
Although everything turns to night
You cannot leave like that
If there’s time, if there’s a chance
It would be great to see you
Dearest friend, through the autumn
Everything sleeps
When it’s dark
You must remember
That all life will come back
Y Dydd Olaf
01/ Chwyldro
02 / Patriarchaeth
03/ Calon Peiriant
04/ Sisial Y Môr
05/ Dawns Y Blaned Dirion
06/ Golau Arall
07/ Stwff
08/ Y Dydd Olaf
09/ Fratolish Hiang Perpeshki
10/ Amser
Byw’r gorffennol ar dy gyfrifiadur
ond sdim ar ôl o’r hen adeiladau
a’i dyma’r dechrau?
Paid, paid anghofio fod dy galon yn y chwyldro
paid anghofio, fod dy galon yn y chwyldro
Twristiaeth yw teithio nôl mewn amser
ar dy wyliau mewn gwlad dramor
a’i dyma’r dechrau?
Paid, paid anghofio fod dy galon yn y chwyldro
paid anghofio, fod dy galon yn y chwyldro
Living the past on your computer
whilst there’s nothing left of the old buildings
is this the beginning?
Don’t, don’t forget that your heart is in the revolution
don’t forget that, your heart is in the revolution
Traveling back in time is a form of tourism
holidaying in a foreign land
is this the beginning?
Don’t, don’t forget that your heart is in the revolution
don’t forget that, your heart is in the revolution
Llwch ar lawr, tŷ ar dân
gobaith mawr, diffodd fflam
croeso cynnes, beth yw’r cynnig?
– penderfyniad anweledig
Patriarchaeth a dy enaid di tan warchae
Sach yn drwm, ffordd yn serth
dy ddynoliaeth dal ar werth
dechrau canrif, sylweddoli
fod gorwelion yn cyfyngu
Patriarchaeth a dy enaid di tan warchae
Patriarchaeth a dy enaid di tan warchae
Dust on the floor, house on fire
great hope, extinguishing a flame
there’s a warm welcome, but what’s the offer?
– an invisible decision
Patriarchy and your soul is under siege
The sack is heavy, the road is steep
your humanity is still up for sale
the beginning of a century, you realize
that horizons are narrowing
Patriarchy and your soul is under siege
Patriarchy and your soul is under siege
Calon Peiriant
A yw’r corff yn dadfeilio?
a yw’r dechnoleg yn nwylo
y rhai sy’n anghyfrifol?
neu’r sawl sy’n rhesymegol?
Cer di i galon peiriant i ddysgu dinistr hanes
Agos yw’r arwahanrwydd
digyswllt yw’r digonolrwydd
beth yw’r cyddwysydd cariad?
a phwy wnaiff gynnal ei gyflenwad?
Cer di i galon peiriant i ddysgu dinistr hanes
Is the body decaying?
is the technology in the hands
of those who are irresponsible?
or those who are reasonable?
Go to the heart of the machine to understand history’s distruction
The isolation is intimate
the sense of adequacy is detached
what is love’s condenser?
and who will support its supply?
Go to the heart of the machine to understand history’s distruction
Sisial y Môr
Mae gwynt gwyllt y porthladd yn gaddo, gaddo gaeaf
a’r hen ysbrydion yn sibrwd, sibrwd straeon
mae sôn fod twnnel yn mynd o dan y dŵr yn rhywle
ond rhaid i fi gyfaddef bod fi byth di gweld e
Sisial y môr, llong heb angor
Mae’r glaw crac yn clatsio, yn clatsio ein hwynebau
a ninnau’n mynnu cael cip ar yr olygfa
trio cofio hen amgueddfa
ond sneb ddim callach am beth oedd yna gyntaf
Sisial y môr, llong heb angor
a’r awyr borffor
sisial y môr
The wild wind in the port is promising, promising winter
and the old ghosts are whispering, whispering stories
they say that there’s a tunnel that goes underwater somewhere
but I must admit that I’ve never seen it
The whispering sea, a ship without an anchor
The angry rain is slapping, slapping our faces
whilst we insist on having a peek at the scenery
trying to remember an old museum
but we’re none the wiser as to what was there first
The whispering sea, a ship without an anchor
and the purple sky
the whispering sea
Golau Arall
Aur y nos, ffŵl y dydd
lle ei di i grwydro?
gad dy fyd
Golau arall yw’r tywyllwch
Cymra’r baich, tala’r pwyth
pwy sydd eisiau cwyno?
atgoffa’r llwyth
Golau arall yw’r tywyllwch
The night’s gold, the day’s fool
where will you wander to?
leave your world
The darkness is another light
Take the burden, pay the price
who wants to complain?
remind the tribe
The darkness is another light
Pan fydda’i mhell o adref mae’r gwir i’w weld yn gliriach
alla i ond ymddiheuro am deimlo’r rhwystredigaeth
Yn ifanc ac uchelgeisiol mewn diwylliant lleiafrifol
ymaelodais i â’r canol ond wnaeth e ddim ym mhlesio
Yn oriau mân y bore, mae’r haul yn dangos lan y llwch ar bopeth
Yn y bwlch, lle mae’r tywyllwch
When I’m far from home I see the truth more clearly
I can only apologize for feeling the frustration
Young and ambitious in a minority culture
I joined the middle but it didn’t really impressed me
In the early hours of the morning, the sun shows the up the dust on everything
In the gap, where there’s darkness
Y Dydd Olaf
Beth yw’r data tiriogaethol, a gwblhawyd y cynllun gwreiddiol?
llawenhawn ym mharhad llwyddiannus ein gormeswyr gogoneddus
A’i hwn yw’r dydd olaf sy’n d’atgoffa di o’r gyntaf?
Pan fo haul, mae’r ddinas feddw yn newid dy ffordd di o feddwl
neu di groesawi arwahanrwydd digyswllt yr agosrwydd?
A’i hwn yw’r dydd olaf sy’n d’atgoffa di o’r gyntaf?
What is the territorial data, has the original plan been completed?
let us rejoice in the continuing success of our glorious tyrants
Is this is the last day that reminds you of the first?
When there’s sun, the drunk city changes your way of thinking
will you welcome the intimate, contactless, isolation?
Is this is the last day that reminds you of the first?
Fratolish Hiang Perpeshki
Mae’r gymdeithas yn cilio a thref yn colli tir
mae’r peiriannau yn penderfynu
yn casglu data, amcangyfrif ein ffawd o fewn canrif
Der i ddawnsio yn y machlud i donau dibwys a dychrynllyd
fratolish hiang perpeshki
fratolish hiang perpeshki
Ti a fi’r un fath – yn ddwy ran o’r un ddinas
mae’r peiriannau yn penderfynu
yn casglu data, amcangyfrif ein ffawd o fewn canrif
Der i ddawnsio yn y machlud i donau dibwys a dychrynllyd
fratolish hiang perpeshki
fratolish hiang perpeshki
Society is retreating and the town is losing ground
the machines are deciding
collecting data, and estimating our fate within a century
Come and dance in the sunset to songs which are trivial and alarming
fratolish hiang perpeshki
fratolish hiang perpeshki
You and I are the same – two halves of the same city
the machines are deciding
estimating our fate within a century
Come and dance in the sunset to songs which are trivial and alarming
fratolish hiang perpeshki
fratolish hiang perpeshki
Nyns hedhas ann gwydh gans tyvi, nyns hedhas
nyns hedhas ann streth gans froza, nyns hedhas
ma’nn amser ow slynkya dhy vaes
ma’nn amser ow slynkya dhy vaes
Pes kamm bys dhy warthev ann bryn?
pes eur ry niversoz dhyn?
pes kamm bys dhy warthev ann bryn?
pes eur ry niversoz dhyn?
Nyns hedhas ann deil gans gwywa, nynz hedhas
nyns hedhas ann lynn gans froza, nyns hedhas
ma’nn amser ow slynkya dhy vaes
ma’nn amser ow slynkya dhy vaes
The trees have not stopped growing, they have not stopped
the stream has not stopped flowing, it has not stopped
The time is slipping away
the time is slipping away
How many steps right up to the top of the hill?
how many hours have been counted out to us?
The leaves have not stopped withering, they have not stopped
the lake has not stopped freezing, it has not stopped
The time is slipping away
the time is slipping away